Peace in His Presence

Season 3

Nov. 16, 2020

Jesus Gives Us Joy Beyond Measure

Does your heart need to be strengthened today? Jesus gives us joy to face each moment.  In this episode, Michelle talks to Deb Buma about joy and how it is a gift from God. It is not something that we have to earn, it is freely given. ...
Nov. 9, 2020

How Gratitude Helps Us When We Struggle with Negative Emotions

Michelle talks to Doctor Kim Marxhausen in this episode about gratitude and how it changes our way of thinking.  Kim has studied Positive Psychology and how our brains work. If you find yourself struggling with negative emotions you will be...
Nov. 1, 2020

Raise a Hallelujah (Finding Peace in Joy and Gratitude)

What can you do when negative emotions swirl around you? Gratitude can change the neural pathways in your brain, God has given us a gift in being able to practice gratitude.
Oct. 25, 2020

How to abide in Jesus when life feels uncertain and anxious

Almost everywhere we go we hear about anxiety and overwhelm as we navigate through COVID 19. There are so many uncertainties as we try to make plans to go to church, school, travel, all of the normal activities we once participated in, we now...
Oct. 11, 2020

How Does God Help You When The Problem Doesn't Go Away?

Sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers the way we want Him too. It's hard when that happens. But God promises us that His grace is sufficient for us. Are you facing a challenge that seems like it will never end?  Take some time to lean in and...
Oct. 10, 2020

Trusting God In And Through The Storms of Life

Are you facing any storms? Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and frustrated? In this episode, Michelle shares five you can do when you feel overwhelmed by the storms of life. Please take the time to fill out the listener survey. It will help...
Sept. 27, 2020

Praying Through the Storm

What do you when life feels shaken and out of control? The storms of life can come crashing down on us and leave destruction and devastation. Jesus never leaves our side, He walks with us through the storm and carries us when necessary.  Michelle...
Sept. 14, 2020

God Renews Your Strength

Do you feel worn and weary? God promises us in Isaiah 40 to renew our strength.  Michelle talks to Dornia Gilmore Young about what it means to soar like an eagle and how God renew's our strength. We also talk about Dorina's book: Walk Run Soar.
Sept. 8, 2020

God Is Your Hiding Place

Do you ever get stuck in your thoughts? Do you label your thoughts as negative or positive? You can bring all of your thoughts before God and find refuge in Him. Learn how to Pause in God's presence and receive from Him the gifts that only He can give.