God's Provision in a Wilderness World with Lindsay Hausch

Do you feel like you are facing a problem where your ability to solve your challenges leaves your heart empty and aching? If you look closely at the experience the Israelites had in the wilderness, you will see how God blessed them with gifts amid...
Do you feel like you are facing a problem where your ability to solve your challenges leaves your heart empty and aching? If you look closely at the experience the Israelites had in the wilderness, you will see how God blessed them with gifts amid their everyday struggles.
In this episode, I talk to Author Lindsay Hausch about her new book, God's Provision in a Wilderness World, where she helps you to focus on the promises and presence of Jesus in God's Word. Sometimes God's manna to you is a gift wrapped in a struggle. Manna reminds you that your mercies are new every morning as God refreshes and feeds your soul.
In this episode, we also talk about:
Why Lindsay wrote this book
How sometimes God's manna for us is provided through a person
Life is bittersweet, filled with hard and holy moments
Lindsay's prayer for those who read her book
If you would like to read a sample chapter from Lindsay's book or order you can click here.