Peace in His Presence

Season 5

Dec. 4, 2023

Celebrate the Joys of Friendship

Welcome to the final and fourth episode of The Blessings and Burdens of Friendship series. For this series, Michelle invited Christina Hergenrader to be a guest host. In this final episode as we celebrate the joys of friendship, Michelle and...
Nov. 13, 2023

Gracefully Reconnecting: Difficult Conversations and Friendship Forgiveness

Michelle and Christina tackle the complex terrain of forgiveness and reconciliation within friendships. It's a topic that often leads to hesitation and discomfort, as we ponder whether our cherished friendships can endure the trials and tribulations...
Oct. 30, 2023

Church Music: For the Care of Souls with Phillip Magness

Michelle interviews Phil Magness about his book, Church Music: For the Care of Souls.  This was a special interview as Michelle has been friends with Phil and his wife Cheryl for almost 30 years. Michelle learned much about worship from Phil when...
Oct. 23, 2023

How Many Friends Should You Have?

Michelle and Christina continue their series on the blessings and burdens of friendship, by taking a look at the question, "How Many Friends Should You Have?"  What Michelle and Christina, discovered through their survey was that women of all...
Oct. 9, 2023

Grace-filled Connections: Unwrapping God's Gift of Friendship

Michelle has invited Christina Hergenrader to guest host a  special podcast series called "The Blessings and Burdens of Friendship." We're diving deep into this fascinating world of friendships, sharing stories, insights, and, hopefully, a lot of...
Sept. 4, 2023

Trusting God in Uncertain Times: Finding Peace in His Constant Presence

Often, our worries come from not being able to control a situation. The truth is that we cannot plan for all the uncertainties we will face, but we can trust our Immanuel, the God who is with us, to give us His strength and peace through all the...
Aug. 21, 2023

Resting in the Faithfulness of the Good Shepherd

Does your heart feel shaken and shattered? Perhaps you feel bruised and battered from all that has happened over the last few years. You are weary and tired, and you long for peace.   God promises to be your Good Shepherd, and you can rest in His...
Aug. 14, 2023

When Your Heart Is Anxious Jesus Gives You His Peace

Author Lindsay Hausch, interviews Michelle in this episode about the 6th chapter in her book, Promised Rest. We look at how God is our peace.   In this episode, we delve into the story of Gideon, a man who found himself hiding in a wine vat,...
Aug. 7, 2023

When Life Feels Impossible God Gives You Hope

What are you facing right now? Is it a problem you cannot fix? Friends, I've learned a precious truth over the years: God's grace is sufficient for every circumstance. He will provide all you need to get through each moment. Christina Hergenrader...
July 30, 2023

When Life Doesn't Make Sense you Can Trust God

Have you ever wrestled with these questions? How can I trust God when life doesn't make sense? How do I trust God when He doesn't answer my prayer right away?  How can I trust God when He doesn't fix my problems in the way I thought He would? ...
July 24, 2023

El Roi, The God Who Sees You And Calls You By Name

Have you ever found yourself in a story you didn’t choose? Perhaps you have felt unseen by those who should love and care for you. It’s a lonely place, but here is the precious truth, God will never leave you, and He is your El Roi, the God who...
July 17, 2023

The Gift of Grace

Do you ever wonder how God could love you?  The world will point out your sins and tell you that you’re not good enough for God to love you. But God steps into your story and shows you through Jesus how much He loves you. In this episode, Deb...
July 10, 2023

Finding Peace in God When You Face a Problem You Cannot Fix

When life looks uncertain, what do you cling to? Do your thoughts turn towards God or how you might fix what is wrong? But what if—you can’t fix it? What happens then? What you believe to be true about God changes how you live your life and face...
June 8, 2023

Extra Nos: Discovering Grace Outside Myself with Flame

In this episode, Michelle sits down and talks to award-winning Christian rapper and hip-hop artist Flame about his upcoming book, Extra Nos: Discovering Grace Outside Myself.   We talk about Flame’s faith journey through different...
May 17, 2023

Together We Believe with Emily Belvery

Michelle sits down with Emily Belvery, to talk about her book, Together We Believe, which is about the Apostles Creed. Emily wrote this for her time as a missionary in Asia to help her students understand what we believe as Christians.   ...
April 27, 2023

Leaning On Jesus with Deb Burma

Are you facing a problem you cannot solve? You may have tried everything you can think of, and you cannot fix it no matter how hard you try. You are worn out and weary, and you long for rest. God promises us rest in His Word and through Him. Proverbs...
April 17, 2023

God's Provision in a Wilderness World with Lindsay Hausch

Do you feel like you are facing a problem where your ability to solve your challenges leaves your heart empty and aching? If you look closely at the experience the Israelites had in the wilderness, you will see how God blessed them with gifts amid...
March 27, 2023

The Gift of the Church with Christa Petzold

Are you comforted by the Church? Are you irritated by the Church? Does the thought of walking into those doors on a Sunday morning bring you peace, or does it bring you anxiety? Maybe you've been hurt by the Church or people who attend your...
March 13, 2023

Meant For Good with Donna Snow

Sometimes life is unfair and we wait for God to work things out.  The life story of Joseph is one of the most beloved and chronicled in the Bible. It's a story of broken dreams and impossible circumstances, of family conflict and unfair...
Feb. 26, 2023

Limping with God with Chad Bird

Sometimes our faith walk is compared to a race, but as we get bogged down with the struggles and challenges of life, we find ourselves limping, and most days, we sense that the Lord is carrying us and holding us up as we limp through life.  In...
Feb. 13, 2023

10 Questions To Ask Every Time You Read the Bible with Andy Jones

Do you struggle with knowing how to read the Bible? Do you wish you knew what questions to ask as you read God's Word?  Do you long for a resource that would be simple to use in Bible Study? Pastor Andy Jones has written an incredible book that...
Jan. 30, 2023

Chosen: You are God's beloved child

How do you see yourself?  How you answer that question makes a difference in how you go through life. Before the foundations of the world were laid, God chose you to be His very own. His choosing of you wasn't based on anything you would do or...
Dec. 12, 2022

Waiting in the Joy of God's Promises

Advent is a time for waiting, but it’s also a season of trying to cram long to-do lists in our already overbooked calendars. Maybe like me, you feel anxious by all the expectations you’ve placed on your calendar to have everything done and...