Peace in His Presence

Season 2

Aug. 27, 2020

Coping With Uncertainty

Life feels uncertain and unsettled right now? How do we cope with all of the emotions and feelings we are dealing with right now? How do we help our children and grandchildren?  Please listen into the conversation that I had with mental health...
Aug. 17, 2020

Facing the Giants with God's Peace

Have you ever faced a problem you could not fix? You long for a solution but there isn't one in sight.  You can find peace and comfort in knowing that God walks with you the challenge and will give you His strength.
Aug. 10, 2020

God's Peace Surrounds You in the Storm

The storms of life can catch us off guard and we can find ourselves being tossed about. Jesus walks with us through the storm, He is our anchor.
Aug. 4, 2020

God Gives You Peace When Life Feels Impossible

Life is often filled with difficult decisions. How do you make a choice when you don't like the options you have? In this episode, we are going to talk about Red Sea Moments and how God helps us through them.
July 24, 2020

The Good Shepherd Will Walk With You Through all of Your Days

God's unfailing love will follow you all the days of your life.  God's love will surround you in every moment of your life.   Join Michelle as we look at the final verse of Psalm 23
July 20, 2020

The Good Shepherd Overflows Your Life with His Love For you

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13   God's love for you never ends.  The God of the Universe loves you...
July 13, 2020

The Good Shepherd Walks With You Through the Valley

Even in our most difficult days, the Good Shepherd walks with us through the valley.  I am honored to have Dorina Gilmore as my special guest on the podcast today.   Dorina shares with us how God was a comfort to her as He walked with...
July 6, 2020

How do you wait when life is hard?

Waiting is hard. Perhaps you are like me and you want your answers now. What if the answers don't come? What if the waiting takes years? How can God help us while we wait? I sat down to talk to Rebecca Brewster Stevenson about her book, "Wait:...
June 28, 2020

The Good Shepherd Restores Your Soul

God restores your soul even in the most difficult of circumstances. The Good Shepherd walks with you, cares for you, and loves you. Join Michelle as she talks with her sisters in this episode about the 23rd Psalm
June 22, 2020

Last Summer At Eden

A Story of Hope
June 14, 2020

Callings For Life

In This episode, Michelle Talks to Jeff Leininger about his book, Callings for Life. *Do you ever wonder if what you do matters? *Are you wondering if life has passed you by and you've missed out on making a difference? *Are you waiting to do the one...
June 7, 2020

God Leads You Beside Still Waters

God leads us beside the still waters, even in the midst of storms of life. Join Michelle as she continues to look at the 23rd Psalm
June 1, 2020

The Lord is Your Shepherd

When life feels uncertain and unsettled you need to be reminded that the Lord is Your Shepherd. You can rest in the peace of His presence and in His promises.  Join Michelle as she takes a look at Psalm 23.
May 17, 2020

Hope is not canceled!

Perhaps you feel like you are living in a season of loss right now.  Our calendars have changed, life doesn't look quite the way we imagined it would. We have all faced loss because of COVID 19. We want to be people who believe in God's goodness,...
May 13, 2020

Big emotions: Yours, mine, and ours

"Do you find yourself surprised and overwhelmed by all of the emotions stuffed inside your house right now? Are you wrestling with your thoughts and feelings, while trying to help your kids cope with theirs? Do you long for space, where you can find...
April 30, 2020

Joy is not Canceled!

In this season of uncertainty and cancelations, we find comfort in knowing that God's gifts to us are not canceled. In this episode, I sit and talk to Deb Burma about the joy we have even in the midst of trials, in Jesus.  He is with us in all...
April 27, 2020

God's Peace has not been canceled.

God's promises to you are always true and will never be taken away.  COVID 19 has changed our lives and plans in ways that we could never have imagined. We are experiencing grief over all of the losses and sometimes we do not know what to do with...
April 20, 2020

How can you deal with an Anxious mind?

In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, we watch the news and we feel the anxiety and it begins to churn in our minds.  We wonder if life will ever be normal again. Our lives have changed and there are so many things we do not know. How can...
April 10, 2020

Good Friday-It is Finished

Holy Week Reflections
April 9, 2020

Holy Week Reflections - The Garden Of Gethsemane

Journey with Jesus into the Garden of Gethsemane.  May you be reminded of His great love for you.
March 29, 2020

How Can We Be Still in Circumstances Beyond our Control?

Life has changed. We are facing circumstances we cannot control and so much of life as we knew it feels uncertain and unsettled.   Maybe you are like me and your emotions resemble a roller coaster ride.  Join Michelle as she takes a...
March 9, 2020

Forgiveness: Received from God, Extended to Others

In this episode talk to about her Bible Study, Forgiveness: Received from God, Extended to Others.
March 2, 2020

When Forgiveness is Hard

How do you forgive someone over and over again?  How do you forgive someone who isn't sorry?  Maybe you have a difficult relationship where you find yourself having to forgive over and over again.   who has her Ph.D. in...
Feb. 24, 2020

How to Forgive When Church Hurts

Have you ever stayed away from church because you were hurt over something that happened?  Maybe you had to walk away from your church for a while.   What do we do when church hurts?  How do we forgive?  Can we come back to a...